Logos & Marks
Logo files
To insure consistent use of the Sonoma State University logo and brand, we ask faculty and staff to take our short, online Branding Basics course, after which you will be given access to logo files and other brand assets, as needed. Please contact Creative Services to take the course.
University Logo

Our logo is the cornerstone of our visual brand identity.
A key aspect to our brand is bright, open space. The clean, strong tone of our logo is achieved by using the appropriate amount of clear space. Please observe the space around the logo to maximize visual effectiveness no matter the size at which the logo is produced.
The logo has been carefully designed to be successful at a wide range of sizes. However, for best legibility on-screen and in-print, the logo should never appear at less than 1/4” high. For smaller instances, please use the icon or text lockup.
Logo Lockups

Consistent use of the correct brand extensions presents a united SSU. Strategic Communications is here to support by providing you extensions
University Seal

The Sonoma State University Seal is reserved exclusively for use by the Office of the President and for high-level academic documents, such as diplomas and transcripts.
The Paw

The Seawolf Paw is synonymous with Sonoma State spirit - representing Noma Nation, welcoming new students, or cheering on our athletes. To ensure we’re as spirited as possible - the Paw should be used in tandem only with school spirit and student life materials.
Lobo is a Seawolf just like us, and is just as busy. As such, Lobo only shows up when needed the most - welcoming new students, celebrating our graduates, and other important student life and spirit activities.
While there are many Seawolves, there is only one Lobo, the Sonoma State University mascot. Lobo can be used to welcome student, celebrate our graduates and other important student life and spirit activities. Lobo can don different clothes and postures, and can be customized for specific purposes. Do not use any version of Lobo other than the official one displayed here.
Promotional Marks

Promotional Marks are for any non-official campus organization that requires unique branding for their promotional efforts. These can be on-campus services, organizations, events, programs and more. These are allowed to use more unique marks in order to better market their services to students, employees and community members.
Promotional Marks are:
- Fun, expressive and unique to their area
- Subject to approval from Creative Services before use
- Not restricted to the official SSU color palette
Promotional Marks are not:
- A replacement for official Sonoma State unit logos
- Interchangeable with secondary unit lock-up logos
- A replacement for the primary Sonoma State logo