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Creative Services

Job Request Form

What We Do

Creative Services, located in the Office of Strategic Communications, is a resource for Sonoma State University departments and organizations. Our job is to create the visual communications for the campus and to shepherd the university brand. 

Diagram that shows Creative Services at the center surrounded by its functions: graphic design, brochures, social media graphics, magazines, photography, website design

We provide clients with a variety of services including print pieces such as newsletters, brochures and magazines as well as photography, social media graphics and web design. Go to the portolio below to see samples of our work.

We strive to reflect the University’s institutional message through our brand standards with a unique and professional approach. Our work helps bring life to the activities on campus and provides a positive image of the University and all its constituents. We believe in creating a clear and consistent image of this University that is brand consistent and want to help you do the same.

The best part is that our services are free! This does not include costs associated with printing and ad space. 

Learn more about How We Work with you to create a successful communication or marketing piece. 


We are grateful that our job allows us to connect with a diverse array of people and departments that positively contributes to the narrative of Sonoma State University. We work on hundreds of projects every year for the school. Below, are some examples of our projects.  

Sonoma Writers' Festival 

Department of Music                                                                                Theatre Arts & Dance 
Sonoma Writers' Festival                                                                          Creativity Week 

Philanthropy Report Cover

Sustainable Enterprise Conference                   Philanthropy 



Recruitment Report


Sonoma Writers' Festival

Dream Center Logo                                                   Sonoma Writers' Festival 


                                                                                            Advancement Holiday Card            


                                                                          Research & Creativity Week Invite                 


                                                                                 President Sakaki's Open House Invite