Eclipse megamovie a NASA and SSU project

On April 8, the total eclipse of the sun was photographed by hundreds of public participants as it moved from Mexico to Maine and into Canada, through a project funded by NASA and led by Dr. Laura Peticolas, associate director of EdEon STEM Learning at Sonoma State University.
The crowdsourced collection of images will be stitched into a movie called the 2024 Eclipse Megamovie, and offer what Peticolas and the team call “a rare opportunity to study the secret lives of solar jets and plumes.” She helped lead the 2017 Megamovie project, which was the first crowdsourced collection of total eclipse images turned into a movie.
Leading up to the eclipse, the 2024 Megamovie was featured in science, mainstream, and academic media, including NASA, BBC and Science News, Smithsonian Magazine, Scientific American, NPR’s All Things Considered, Sky & Telescope, and the American Astronomical Society Bulletin.