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On-Campus Promotion

Have an interesting program, project or person that would benefit from some campus attention? Two steps will get you started:

Step 1

Begin planning 6-8 weeks prior to the event. Groups sometimes go to great lengths with the planning of the event, leaving publicity to the end. That almost always impacts coverage and/or attendance. Make the publicity plan a top—and early—priority. Use this Submit News Ideas form to contact the Strategic Communications news team.

Step 2

Meet with Strategic Communications news staff to get advice on the best approaches to garner on- and off-campus attention.

SSU News

The online hub for the latest Sonoma State news, managed by the office of Strategic Communications.

Residential Life Newsletter

Distributed to the 3,000 residents of the residential life community (students who live on campus). Coordinated by Mo Phillips.

SSU Social Media Sites

Student Media

STAR: The STAR is a weekly student-produced newspaper. It is one of the main news sources on campus for students, faculty, and staff. Fourteen issues are produced each semester. You will be advised to send The STAR information at least three weeks in advance of the event.

KSUN: Sonoma State's student-run radio station's programming thrives on featuring an eclectic variety of musical formats. Currently, they have more than 50 DJs, all of whom play a variety of music which can be listened to from the Web. Shows run throughout the day.

SSU-TV: Students are looking for content to fill the 24/7 demands of the student-run channel, which broadcasts to the residence halls.

Campus Advertising

A group may be advised to create banners and fliers which are very useful in creating awareness and excitement.

Seawolf Calendar

The Seawolf Calendar is a university-wide resource for determining what is happening on campus. Send information to (write "SEAWOLF CALENDAR" in the subject line).