
Whether you would need a photographer or want to locate existing photos, we can direct you to the right resources. Creative Services manages the Sonoma State Photo Gallery, where you can search for images. We also provide limited photography services for headshots and other photography needs.
Find an Existing Photo
Sonoma State Photo Gallery
Strategic Communications manages an image database of more than 60,000 photos. Some of the images are available through the Sonoma State Photo Gallery. These photos may be used for campus publications and websites, as well as for projects by outside organizations that highlight SSU. The gallery features a wide variety of photos depicting campus life, academics, buildings, people and events. The photos are accessed directly from the website and may be downloaded at no charge.
For more information, contact Creative Services.
SSU Photo Archive
The SSU photo archive houses historical, non-digital images of SSU. For more information, contact Creative Services for assistance.
About Copyrights, Credits and Photo Releases
Many photographs are protected by copyright and cannot be used without permission unless you know that the image is indeed in the public domain. All SSU photos are protected by copyright.
There are times when a photo credit will need to appear with a photo. Check with the photo source to find out if credit is needed and, if so, what the proper format should be. A common format is putting the photographer’s name and/or organization at the end of a publication or below the photo.
The CSU Chancellor’s Office requires that SSU have a signed photo release for individuals who are clearly recognizable in a photograph. The exception is photos of individuals who are acting in official, public capacities, such as presidents, trustees, elected officials, student Associated Students officers/board members. There are instances when obtaining a release may be more flexible, such as large, public events. But at such events, if you get a close-up shot of an individual, you should still make every effort to obtain a signed photo release.
SSU photo/video release is available online.
For further information about the use of copyright, photo credits or photo releases, please contact Sandy Destiny,
Commercial Stock Photography
At times, for generic purposes, purchasing a stock image will be sufficient for your project. If you use a stock image, be aware of usage rights, copyrights, permissions and ownership. Whenever possible, it is best to use images of real members of the SSU community when showing people.
Public Domain Photography
A public domain work is a creative work that is not protected by copyright and which may be used by everyone at little or no charge. Search the Internet for “public domain photos” and you will find many resources. You can also use this link to learn how to filter your Google search for “free to use” images.
Hire a Photographer
University Photographer
Taking photographs of campus events and people is handled on a limited basis through Strategic Communications. Generally, our photographer shoots assignments that will be used in general promotions of the university through its websites, publications and communications. Please submit a job request or contact Creative Services for more information about utilizing the university photographer.
Internal Photographers
Strategic Communications relies on the resourcefulness of each campus unit to meet its needs when it comes to photography of a more specific nature. Units may choose to shoot their own photos, but should remember to use high-resolution files to ensure image clarity. If you are searching for web banner photos, look for those with at least a width of 1440 pixels.
Outside Photographers
Campus units may hire commercial photographers. Please contact the Procurement Office, who will guide you through the process of purchasing professional services and to help you identify qualified photography vendors.
Here are examples of photos we have done from past projects. To request images from previous projects please contact Sandy Destiny at