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How We Work

We look forward to working with you and creating a successful project. The steps below explain how to get started and our process. 

Project Request

In order to best serve you and to create a successful project, we ask that you consider a few before requesting a job:

  • Who are you trying to reach with your project? Who is your target audience?
  • What is the goal of your project? 
  • What do you want to say? What is the message that you are trying to convey through your project?

After you've given some thought to these questions, please complete the Project Request Form. Your request will be reviewed by someone on our staff within 48 hours.

If your project fits within the scope of what we can do, a member of the Creative Services team set up a meeting to begin your project. If Creative Services can’t take on the project, we can help you find freelance support.

It is important to note that, as we are a free service, we take projects on a first-come, first-served basis. Our ability to complete your project by the time you desire is dependent upon how far in advance we receive your request and all of the needed content.

Initial Meeting

After we receive your job request, we will schedule an initial meeting with you and the creative team. Please come to this first meeting prepared to discuss creative concepts, content, budget and delivery dates. Here are a few things to keep in mind before our initial meeting:

  • We do not have writers on staff so you must provide the written content for your project. We can help create the visuals, and edit the text for style and accuracy. It is very important that you know we will not begin a project until we have all of the content, which could affect our ability to deliver your project on time.
  • To make sure your project runs smoothly, we ask that you designate one person in your office to act as your project’s point person. 

Production Schedule

We will work with you to develop a production schedule that meets your desired delivery date. After the schedule is in place, any failure to meet your milestone dates could affect your delivery date.

The length of time to complete your project will depend upon its complexity, the status of your content and Creative Services’ workload. We accept projects on a first-come, first-serve basis.  Normally, it will take at least two weeks to complete simple jobs. More complex projects or when we have numerous jobs in the queue will require a longer amount of time.

Cost Estimates

If you would like to get an estimate of the cost of your project, we will contact Campus Prints and other vendors to get these prices for you. If the cost exceeds your budget, we will help you explore ways of reimagining the project to reduce expenses.


If your project includes photography, please wait until the design concept is determined before starting to compile the photos. If you want to use or take your own photos, Creative Services will make sure you have the proper image requirements. If stock photography is necessary, you will approve the cost before we purchase any images.


The content you submit will be reviewed for grammar, accuracy and style. Creative Services follows Associated Press style guidelines. If there are extensive revisions to your copy, it will be sent back to you for your review and approval.


Throughout the production process, you will be asked to proofread and approve page proofs and printer’s proofs on our online proof and approval platform. Please read all proofs carefully, with an eye toward spotting and correcting any inaccuracies and mistakes.

Because our services are free and we want to serve as many campus clients as possible, we limit the number of revisions for each job. We call it the three-proof system, which means that we allow only three rounds of revisions on your project. 


We work with the printer from start to finish. If your project includes mailing, Creative Services will design your publication accordingly and help you coordinate your project’s delivery with your mail house or find a mail-services vendor. If you choose to print your project through Campus Prints, please provide a chartfield string.