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Publicity & Media

The Strategic Communications news and information team serve as the liaison between the University and the news media by communicating stories to local, regional, state and national media outlets via television, radio, print and online media. The news and information team is available to on-campus media (STAR, KSUN and Studio Blue), as well as SSU's own News Center. 

This page provides useful tools for garnering news coverage and the basis for mounting public relations and marketing campaigns:

Examples of newsworthy events include:

  • Unique department programs
  • Outstanding student achievement
  • Large donations
  • Alumni successes

Examples of promotional tactics include:

  • Analysis or prediction
  • Issue a report
  • Take a stand on a controversial subject
  • Announce an appointment

In addition, we are responsible for the content on the Sonoma State University Home Page as well as other top-level web pages for the University. 

We update the Seawolf Calendar located on the home page to help keep students and the local community informed about events occurring at SSU. If you have an event that you want on the official University Seawolf Calendar fill out the calendar event form